Aaron's Rod D. H. LAWRENCE

Flutist Aaron Sisson is caught up in the aftermath of WWI. A lost soul, he at- tempts to find himself in the comfort of bar-room talk and alcohol and a woman. Moving on, he spends time with a mining executive's reiatives. But he finds the famiiy a stuffy middie-ciass iot, bored with each other and them- seives. He ieaves his wife and chiidren and strikes out for the open road. Dur- ing a piaying engagement at an opera performance, he reunites with the min- ing executive's famiiy. Taik is of iove and war, none of it very satisfying to anyone. At dinner with one of the women, Aaron reveais that he is indifferent to most things in iife and just wants to be ieft aione. So it goes with this iost soui among iost souis. One wonders how he wiii ever find himseif or happi- ness. -

Summary by Biii Boerst Read by: Biii Boerst, Khand Totai running time: 11:40:27

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Cover picture by Sophie Gengembre Anderson (1881). Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and all countries with author’s life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by Basquetteur. This design is in the public domain.

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