LibriVox % i The Adopting of Rosa Marie By Carroll Watson Rankin c H !2 c The Adopting of Rosa Marie 3" (D (0 Read by Librivox Volunteers. Total running time: 4:28:50 > Q. c o (/) O "O 5' (0 In this charming girl's book we meet again the four chums of Dandelion Cottage. Their friendship knit closer than ever by their summer at playing house, the girls enlarge o o their activity by mothering a pretty little Indian baby. 7) r\ (0 "Those who have read Dandelion Cottage will need no urge to follow further... A (/> 0) CJ 1 lovable group of four children, happily not perfect, but full of girlish plans and pranks o and a delightful sense of humor." - Summary from the book 0) (0 This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or o 1 <0 modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit O (/) Cover picture from antique illustration Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and all 0) o countries with author’s life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by Emily Isabella This design is o in the public domain. w o G) i 0) Q. O cn o 3 "O < 7) 0) o £ 3 5; H 5'