VOLTAIRE LibriVox Candide by Voltaire (1694-1778) Candide is a relentless, brutal assault on government, society, religion, education, and, above all, optimism. Dr. Pangloss teaches his young students Candide and Cunegonde that everything in this world is for the best, a sentiment they cling to as the world steps in to teach them otherwise. The novel is brilliant, hilarious, blasphemous. . . and Voltaire never admitted to writing it. < o ™ o > Total running time: 4:04:49 Read by Ted Delorme Cover design by Kathryn Delaney Frontispiece and first page of an early English translation by T. Smollett et al of "Candide", printed by J. Newbery, 1762 LibriVox Acoustical liberation of books in the Public Domain o > z g D m