Celebrated Women Travellers of the Nineteenth Century W. H. Davenport ADAMS (1828 - 1891) Recorded by: Ellies, Jim Locke, Lynne T, Dovie Cross, Michele Fry, Piotr Nater, realisticspeakers, jenno, ADKreader, Availle, Sandra Schmit Book Coordinator & Meta Coordinator: Lynne T Proof Listener: afutterer Free Audio Books On-Line A Work in the Public Domain Visit our site to view the catalog of available books, to download audio files, or to learn more about volunteering 1. 54:39 Ellies 2. 30:52 Jim Locke 3. 51:55 Jim Locke 4. 49:36 Jim Locke 5. 06:47 Jim Locke 6. 13:16 Lynne T 7. 37:13 Dovie Cross 8. 37:10 Dovie Cross 9. 50:42 Michele Fry 10. 10:47 Piotr Nater 11. 42:43 Piotr Nater 12. 37:21 Piotr Nater Countess Dora D'istria The Princess of Beigiojoso Madame Hommaire de Heii I Madame Hommaire de Heii li Madame Hommaire de Heii Ml Madame Leonie D'Aunet Miss Frederika Bremer Part 1 Miss Frederika Bremer Part 2 Mademoiseiie Alexina Tinne Madame ida Pfeiffer i Madame ida Pfeiffer il Part 1 Madame ida Pfeiffer il Part 2 13. 01:00:41 realisticspeakers 14. 35:55 jenno 15. 33:57 jenno 16. 31:29 Dovie Cross 17. 29:48 Dovie Cross 18. 10:03 jenno 19. 32:45 Ellies 20. 21:05 ADKreader 21. 34:44 Aval He 22. 10:28 Dovie Cross 23. 13:16 Dovie Cross 24. 13:05 Sandra Schmit Madame de Bourboulon Lady Hester Stanhope Part 1 Lady Hester Stanhope Part 2 Lady Brassey Part 1 Lady Brassey Part 2 Lady Morgan Mrs. Trollope Miss Harriet Martineau Miss Isabella Bird Lady Fiorence Dixie Miss Gordon Gumming Florence and Rosamond Hill, Lady Barker, Magyarland Total running time: 12:30:17 w o m e n T r a V e I I e r s o f t h e 19th C e n t u r y Celebrated Women Travellers of the Nineteenth Century W. H. Davenport ADAMS (1828 - 1891) The nineteenth century saw the expansion in popularity of travel among the wealthy. Add to this the independence more women were enjoying as they were released from work In the home, and we have the recipe for some intrepid female travelers. Here we see the stories of just some such adventurous women. - Summary by Lynne Thompson Total running time: 12:30:17 Genre(s): Travel & Geography Recorded by: Ellies, Jim Locke, Lynne T, Dovie Cross, Michele Fry, Piotr Nater, realisticspeakers, jenno, ADKreader, Availle, Sandra Schmit This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit Cover pictures are book-illustrations: Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and all countries with author’s life +70 years laws. Cover design by schrm. This design is in the public domain. W o m e n T r a V e I I e r s o f t h e 19th C e n t u r y Celebrated Women Travellers of the Nineteenth Century W. H. Davenport ADAMS (1828- 1891) The nineteenth century saw the expansion in popuiarity of travei among the weaithy. Add to this the independence more women were enjoying as they were reieased from work in the home, and we have the recipe for some intrepid female traveiers. Here we see the stories of just some such adventurous women. - Summary by Lynne Thompson Totai running time: 12:30:17 Genre(s): Travel & Geography Recorded by: Ellies, Jim Locke, Lynne T, Dovie Cross, Michele Fry, Piotr Nater, realisticspeakers, jenno, ADKreader, Availle, Sandra Schmit uaux>/\/[ papxidfao This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit Cover pictures are book-illustrations: Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and all countries with author’s life +70 years laws. Cover design by schrm. This design is in the public domain. This is an origami paper CD case. Folding instructions can be found here: