X E ' 0 _ 0 U) mm X accoustical liberation of books in the public domain h-x -©- FOLD A to A & B to B | Certain Personal Matters by HG Wells | Read by LibriVox Volunteers | Although best known for his works of science fiction, social commentary and history, H.G. Wells here gives us humorous and light-hearted pieces on a wide variety of intriguing ^topics from chess to death. Each essay is a gem of wit and delight. - Summary by Larry Wilson Genre(s): Essays & Short Works LIBRIVOX ” MP3 AUDIOBOOKS ™ PRODUCTION DETAILS Running Time: 06:23:30 Zip file size: 180 MB Catalog date: 2018-11-13 Read by: LibriVox Volunteers Book Coordinator: Larry Wilson Meta Coordinator: J. M. Smallheer Proof Listener: Foon Channels: Mono Sample rate: 44100 Hz Sample format: 16 bit Bit-rate Mode: Constant Quality: 128 kbps __ This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit librivox.org. Images used here in Public Domain / Creative Commons (cco) from wiki media / pixabay / openclipart. Cover design by Amit Sharma. This design is in the public domain. 01 - Thoughts on Cheapness and My Aunt Charlotte - Foon - 00:10:19 ♦ 02 - The Trouble of Life - Larry Wilson - 00:13:30 ♦ 03 - On the Choice of a Wife - Foon - 00:08:47 ♦ 04 - The House of Di Sorno-D. Wood-00:10:18 ♦ 05-Of Conversation-ScottySmith-00:11:31 ♦ 06- In a Literary Household - Graham Scott - 00:08:40 ♦ 07 - On Schooling and the Phases of Mr. Sandsome - Elisabeth - 00:13:43 ♦ 08 - The Poet and the Emporium - Graham Scott - 00:10:01 ♦ 09 - The Language of Flowers - Graham Scott - 00:09:12 ♦ 10 - The Literary Regimen - Graham Scott - 00:09:36 ♦ 11 -House-Hunting as an Outdoor Amusement- Greg Giordano -00:11:15 ♦ 12-Of Blades and Bladery - Greg Giordano - 00:09:48 ♦ 13 - Of Cleverness - Greg Giordano - 00:09:35 ♦ 14 - The Pose Novel - GentleJim - 00:09:20 ♦ 15 - The Veteran Cricketer - Graham Scott - 00:10:56 ♦ 16 - Concerning a Certain Lady - Greg Giordano - 00:10:50 ♦ 17 - The Shopman - Jordan Khoriaty - 00:08:16 ♦ 18 - The Book of Curses - Graham Scott - 00:10:06 ♦ 19 - Dunstone’s Dear Lady - Graham Scott - 00:08:40 ♦ 20 - Euphemia’s New Entertainment - Greg Giordano - 00:07:47 ♦ 21 For Freedom of Spelling - Foon - 00:11:58 4 22- Incidental Thoughts on a Bald Head - Greg Giordano - 00:09:03 ♦ 23 - Of a Book Unwritten - D. Wood - 00:14:56 ♦ 24 - The Extinction of Man -Greg Giordano-00:12:05 ♦ 25-The Writing of Essays-Larry Wilson - 00:07:21 ♦ 26-The Parkes Museum - Greg Giordano - 00:09:01 4 27- Bleak March in Epping Forest - Rowan Etzel - 00:07:30 4 28- The Theory of Quotation - Greg Giordano - 00:07:00 ♦ 29 - Of the Art of Staying at the Seaside - Graham Scott - 00:10:47 ♦ 30 - Concerning Chess - Larry Wilson - 00:10:22 ♦ 31 - The Coal-Scuttle - Graham Scott-00:10:25 ♦ 32 - Bagarrow- Keir-00:11:09 ♦ 33 - The Book of Essays Dedicatory - D. Wood - 00:05:55 ♦ 34 - Through a Microscope - Rowan Etzel - 00:09:27 ♦ 35 - The Pleasure of Quarrelling - Greg Giordano - 00:11:30 ♦ 36 - The Amateur Nature-Lover - Christopher Lawson - 00:10:30 ♦ 37 - From an Observatory - Jordan Khoriaty - 00:05:24 ♦ 38 - The Mode in Monuments - GentleJim - 00:10:24 ♦ 39 - How I Died - Larry Wilson - 00:06:33 l-x l-x FOLD A to A & B to B - _.(^>00^._ ■uieuuop Duqnd dip ui si u6\sdp s\q± ■euujeqs V.^V Aq u6isdp jbaoj qjedj/DUddo /Aeqexid / e/pauiiy/AA UUOJJ (ODD) SUOUUUUOJ 9AIJ69JJ / uieuuoQ Djiqrid ui dJdq pasn sd6euui djo xoAuqn }isjA 'Jddiun\OA oj jo uop.eLUJOj.ui djouj joj ■uoissjuudd jnoqjiAA pdijipouj jo 'p9j.nquj.sip 'pdDnpojddJ dq Aeuu pue uieuuop Di/qnd 9qj ui si 6u/pjOD9J siq± - (TCXgc^fQ) - sdq>i SZT :Al!|BnO jubjsuoq :epo|Al ©iBJ-ijg jjq 9 T :iBiiuoi 0|dwBS ZH OOTfrfr :91BJ 9|dlUBS ouoiai :s|0UUBqo uooj jsuajsn ioojj j00qi|Bius IAI T :JOjBUjpjooo Bj0|A| uosnM Ajjb~| :joiBU|pjooo >ioog sj00iun|OA xoAuqn :Xq PB0y £T-TT- 8 T 02 = 9 iep 3 o|bjbq aiAl 08 T :az!S Bill d\Z 0 £ : £ 2 : 90 :0iu!i§u!uuna snwiaoi Nouonaoud w s m o oaoianv £ d iai XOAIHflll —TTr Jinjli! 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