The Childrems Book Gig Christmas i J Storica Edited by Asa Don DiGkanisor The Children's Book of Christmas Stories Asa Don Dickinson This books is a select collection of Christmas Stories in one volume. It is just that and nothing more. Each of the stories has already won the approval of thousands of children, and each is fraught with the true Christmas spirit. It is hoped that the collection will prove equally acceptable to parents, teachers, and librarians. - Summary by the author Read by volunteer readers. 35 Tracks. Total running time: 08:45:36 This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit Cover image from: "Christmas pictures signed with Paris" by Raphael Kirchner (1876-1917). Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and all countries with author’s life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by TriciaG. This design is in the public domain. UOSUIYIIG - SalJ0}G SELW}SIIYD JO YOO, S,UaIpP]IYD əyL = O N) = a4 2 (m I (7p) o S O _ a) N) o z _ 2 S a om O Gen O -< O O M Nn C Q Som o F= O Q <= =