Condiments, Spices and Flavors

Mary E. Green



Condiments, Spices and Flavors

Mary E. Green



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In this pamphlet no attempt has been made to give specific directions as to the uses of spices and condiments. It must be borne in mind that their usage results neither from the demands of fashion nor of a vitiated sense of taste, but from their own germicidal and preservative qualities. ... A short account of the divers kinds and qualities of these excellent substances may lead, it is hoped, to a more intelligent use of them in cookery.

SLOAV 14 Puy sana

Read by LibriVox volunteers Total running time 01:06:47

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Condiments, Spices and Flavors

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Cover image: Spices bazaar by Christophe Schindler on wikimedia commons Cover designed by Availle. This design is in the public domain.