i #§ If h is an ideal honeymoon of aa ideal couple. Bat somehow, the wife cannot atop dreaming that he* huoband mould be shot and hilled, ^e dismisses her dreams until then come true. Btp commited the murder! iSow mould the mife mooe on! ( Btao Bisser) at f hr 9 « Bead by Celine Bajor Sotal vanning timet 16*1$*55 tt r j 8 e * B to @hi* recording io in the public domain and may be reproduced* distributed, or modified without permission. 5or more information or to oolunteer, oisit librioox.org. Cooer picture boob illustration Copyright expired in H.S., Canada* Ctt. and all countries mith author's life f?0 yrs lams. Cooer design by Bnnise. Chi* design is in the public domain. as £