EXPOSITORY THOUGHTS ON THE GOSPELS - ST. JOHN VOL. 2 By Rev. J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) The fourteen years which have "passed over" me since I first began writing on the Gospels, I humbly hope have not been thrown away. They have been to me years of many trials, and I may add of much work, much reading, much reflection, and not alittle prayer. At the end of these fourteen years, I feel more than ever convinced that what are called "Evangelical" views of Christian truth are thoroughly Scriptural views, and will bear the test of any fair investigation, The longer I live the more firmly I am persuaded that no system of divinity is so entirely in harmony with the Bible, as the system which rightly or wrongly is called "Evangelical." I now send forth this volume with an earnest prayer that God may bless it and make it useful. Ignorance of Scripture, I feel more than ever, is the curse of these latter days. Men read many books, and yet neglect "the one Book.” If I can help to make the Bible more plain and interesting to any man's soul, I shall be abundantly content, (From the Preface)) Total running time: 17:21:08 Read by MaryAnn Spiegel sro zen or boos NOTE: All these dots and numbers ‘wont’show once you fold this case. See this Easy Folding Guide , also accessible in the LV Wiki, CD Covers caper LD CNA SN zeAuyor aS sjodsor) 247 uo sqysnoy | fiuroysodx] Cover design by MaryAnn Spiegel Cover Art — from the Book of Kells Folio 129v, Four Evangelists’ Symbols This recording and cover are in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit www.LibriVox.org. SEER SH Re SIR ST RoI Ro SRST Ro STRSTR SSR Expository Thoughts on the Gospels St. John Vol. 2 Lipriv By Ree J. C. Ryle Read by recording MaryAnn Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of John Vol 2 EXPOSITORY THOUGHTS ON THE GOSPELS - ST. JOHN VOL. 2 By Rev. J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) ‘The fourteen years which have "passed over" me since I first began writing on the Gospels, I humbly hope have not been thrown away. They have been to me years of many trials, and I may add of much work, much reading, much reflection, and not a little prayer. At the end of these fourteen years, I feel more than ever convinced that what are called "Evangelical" views of Christian truth are thoroughly Scriptural views, and will bear the test of any fair investigation. The longer I live the more firmly I am persuaded that no system of divinity is so entirely in harmony with the Bible, as the system which rightly or wrongly is called "Evangelical." Tnow send forth this volume with an earnest prayer that God may bless it and make it useful, Ignorance of Scripture, I feel more than ever, is the curse of these latter days, Men read many books, and yet neglect "the one Book." If I can help to make the Bible more plain and interesting to any man's soul, I shall be abundantly content. (From the Preface)) Total running time: 17:21:08 Read by MaryAnn Spiegel Cover design by MaryAnn Spiegel b ` Cover Art — from the Book of Kells Folio 129v, Four Evangelists’ Symbols Libr iVox This recording and cover are in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to acoustical liberation of books volunteer, visit www.LibriVox.org. in the public domain 7 [0A UYOL Jo pdso5 ay) UO s}y3noy g A10}ISOdxy