LYNDON ORR FAMOUS OF HI THE ROMANCE OF DEVOTION Famous Affinities of History The Romance of Devotion Robert Leighton LibriV Famous Affinities of History is a book of passion-filled accounts of the most famous love affairs of history. Written in four volumes, this book makes for an informative, interesting and thoroughly enjoyable read, giving us an insight into the lives and lifestyles of various popular figures of history. Total running time: 13:36:41 Read by James Christopher, Elli, Linda Dodge, Wendel Topper, Ata Khudayberdiev, Hilara, Denny Sayers, Miriam Esther Goldman, Ruth Golding, Anna Simon, Barry Eads, psi_mon, Julie VW Book Coordinator: Neeru Iyer Meta Coordinator: Karen Savage Proof-Listener: Kristine Bekere Š) * | Libri VOX acoustical liberation of books In the public domain On the cover: Abaelard and Heloisa by Jean Vignaud FAMOUS AFFINITIES OF HISTORY Cover Design by Neeru Iyer XAUYO.LSIH AO SHLLINIAV SNQOWNWVA 310°XO ALIQIT]