THE HHTE DISEASE MURRRV LEINSTER DC UJ I— > CE Dr. Calhoun and his pet tormal Murgatroyd work for the Interstellar Medical Service making routine public health inspections on far-flung colonial planets. When they reach Tallien Three they are greeted with a rocket attack by the Paras, a mutated form of human rapidly replacing the "normals". The normals think it's a pandemic of demonic possession but Calhoun has his doubts. If he can keep from turning into a Para, or being assassinated by them he just might figure this thing out. - The Hate Disease was first published in the August 1963 edition of Analog Science Fact and Fiction magazine. (Summary by Gregg Margarite) C/5 1 - The Hate Disease (Chapters 1 - 2) - 00:58:30 2 - The Hate Disease (Chapters 3 - 4) - 01 :03:39 Total running time: 2:02:09 Read by Gregg Margarite 30 3D original illustration from Analog Science Fact and Fiction August 1963 Lib ri Vox cd cover design by Scott Carpenter