o c "In the House of Many Windows which stands in a iarge city and is sometimes caiied a "fiat" by peopie who, because they are grown up, do not H 3" '(5 n know any better, iive the Littie Lady and the Story Teiier. The Littie Lady is (D four years oid, going on five, and is fond of stories. This makes her and the X o cd Story Teiier good friends. They mostiy sit in the fireiight after supper, and o < whiie the Littie Lady is being undressed they teii each other aii that has happened since morning. Then the Littie Lady iooks into the fire and says:— H O "Now, teii me a story." Sometimes she wants a new story. Sometimes one of (D (D o CQ the oid ones, which must be toid aiways the same, because the Littie Lady, Po (/) iike a good many grown up peopie, does not care for new and revised D "O o editions, but wants the oid stories in the oid words, that sound reai and true. CD CD o % Sometimes the Story Teiier forgets or improves on his piots, but the Littie "O Lady never forgets and never faiis to set the Story Teiier right." - Summary A O by the author O o O Q. Q oei Read by Elizabeth P.; Kymberli Welch; Linda Olsen Fitak; Celine w o o Major; Shana Burns; Mike Pelton; Jblankenship83; Michael Fassio; o o H Marcus Alexander; John; Kathleen Moore . Total running time: 4:08:53 o This recording is in the pubiic domain and may be reproduced, distributed. ra o or modified without permission. For more information or to voiunteer, visit X o iibrivox.org. "0 X Cover picture based on PD photo. Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. 5 ' CD and aii countries with author’s iife +70 yrs iaws. Cover design by Annise. This design is in the pubiic domain.