3-in-1 CD CASE INSERTS (1. FRONT, 2. BACK) and 3. ORIGAMI PAPER CASE, with folding instructions. Page 1. Front cover for CD Jewel Case, 4.75“ x 4.75“ Cut on outer black lines, fold along center line and tuck into front of Jewel Case E ow the ( odex Was Found How the Codex was Found ANARRATIVE OF TWO VISITS TO SINAI by Margaret Dunlop Gibson, 1893 by Margaret Dunlop Caibson ho E from Mrs. Lewis’s journals, 1892 & 1894 ae” E P am ifs Smith | ewis, 18 9 2&18 zd J “The narrative of these two journeys is of special interest, because the first one, that made by , my twin sister, Mrs. Lewis, and myself, in 1892, led to the discovery of an early and important codex of ancient Syriac gospels... while that made by us this year in company with [Cambridge scholars and their wives] was undertaken for the purpose of deciphering the precious manuscript to which we have alluded. é “Abler pens than mine will write about these Syriac gospels... yet on me devolves the task of telling how the codex was found. Many inaccurate statements have been made by too hasty writers in our public prints, and it has occurred to me that the best means of removing misconceptions on the subject is to reprint my sister’s journal of our trips to Sinai in 1892 and 1893.“ — Margaret Dunlop Gibson 1: First Visit to Sinai — Part 1 7: Identification of the Codex 2: First Visit to Sinai — Part 2 8: A Greek Description of Sinai — Part 1 3: First Visit to Sinai — Part 3 9: A Greek Description of Sinai — Part 2 4: First Visit to Sinai — Part 4 10: St. Sylvia of Aquitaine 5: First Visit to Sinai — Part 5 11: Second Visit to Sinai 6: First Visit to Sinai — Part 6 Total Running Time: 2 hours, 27 minutes i ; 2 ’ <2 a ; = Meta (Coordinator: mightyfelix Proof |_istener: silverquill 4 T tEn, = = Te -A Tiai. a i bp m. (Cover Design: HannahMary |mage: Jn the Shadow of Sinai 1898 Kead by Jannah h = f - Si na — h am i i wa ae ae Ma atten: m- > Visit www.librivox.org to view the catalog of available books, download audio Files, or learn more about volunteering, THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHARINE, MOUNT SINAI Page 2. Back of CD Jewel Case. Cut along outer black lines, fold flaps to fit into sides of case. Disassemble jewel case, slide paper in. Reassemble. How the (Codex was Found A NARRATIVE OF TWO VISITS TO SINAI by Margaret Dunlop Gibson, 1893 from Mrs. Lewis’s journals, 1892 & 1894 “The narrative of these two journeys is of special interest, because the first one, that made by my twin sister, Mrs. Lewis, and myself, in 1892, led to the discovery of an early and important codex of ancient Syriac gospels... while that made by us this year in company with [Cambridge scholars and their wives] was undertaken for the purpose of deciphering the precious manuscript to which we have alluded. “Abler pens than mine will write about these Syriac gospels... yet on me devolves the task of telling how the codex was found. Many inaccurate statements have been made by too hasty writers in our public prints, and it has occurred to me that the best means of removing misconceptions on the subject is to reprint my sister’s journal of our trips to Sinai in 1892 and 1893.“ — Margaret Dunlop Gibson : First Visit to Sinai — Part 1 7: Identification of the Codex : First Visit to Sinai — Part 2 8: A Greek Description of Sinai — Part 1 : First Visit to Sinai — Part 3 9: A Greek Description of Sinai — Part 2 : First Visit to Sinai — Part 4 10: St. Sylvia of Aquitaine : First Visit to Sinai — Part 5 11: Second Visit to Sinai : First Visit to Sinai — Part 6 Total Running Time: 2 hours, 27 minutes Meta Coordinator: mightyfelix Proof | istener: silverquill ( over Design: HannahMary |mage: Jn the Shadow of Sinai 1898 uosqiC) doyung yeze hg puno_{ sem xopo7) 243 moj J (= (@) Ww -2 J Gs 2 c 3 O 4 = bh) is) = Bay Be S Ww a > Xx U me Q K8) 3 > i Visit www.librivox.org to view the catalog of available books, download audio files, or learn more about volunteering, You may download this 3-in-1 template here. Page 3, Origami CD Case When folded, the cover art will be right side up, and these side notes won’t show. How the (Codex was Found A NARRATIVE OF TWO VISITS TO SINAI by Margaret Dunlop Gibson, 1893 from Mrs. Lewis’s journals, 1892 & 1893 “The narrative of these two journeys is of special interest, because the first one, that made by my twin sister, Mrs. Lewis, and myself, in 1892, led to the discovery of an early and important codex of ancient Syriac gospels... while that made by us this year in company with [Cambridge scholars and their wives] was undertaken for the purpose of deciphering the precious manuscript to which we have alluded. “Abler pens than mine will write about these Syriac gospels... yet on me devolves the task of telling how the codex was found. Many inaccurate statements have been made by too hasty writers in our public prints, and it has occurred to me that the best means of removing misconceptions on the subject is to reprint my sister’s journal of our trips to Sinai in 1892 and 1893.“ — Margaret Dunlop Gibson 1: First Visit to Sinai — Part 1 7: Identification of the Codex 2: First Visit to Sinai — Part 2 8: A Greek Description of Sinai — Part 1 3: First Visit to Sinai — Part 3 9: A Greek Description of Sinai — Part 2 4: First Visit to Sinai — Part 4 10: St. Sylvia of Aquitaine 5: First Visit to Sinai — Part 5 11: Second Visit to Sinai 6: First Visit to Sinai — Part 6 Total Running Time: 2 hours, 27 minutes NOTE: Easy Folding Instructions for this Origami CD case, including step by step photos, can be found here. Can also access from the LV Wiki page, CD Covers. Print Page 3 on regular or 20 lb bond paper for ease of folding. ‘IVNIS LNUOW “ANIAVHLYD ‘LS 40 LNEANOO FHL Bae agate y ei euT] fq peo | a w e% a4 f - : d ro £681 27681 ‘Simo | UC UOSCIE ) dojunc] jou PS eV hq puno | se M XOpOo7 ) >44 moj | Cover image from /n the Shadow of Sinaí, 1898 Cover design for | ibrivox by [JannahMary - ee > > NE - =