3-in-1 CD CASE INSERTS (1. FRONT, 2. BACK) and 3. ORIGAMI PAPER CASE, with folding instructions. Page 1. Front cover for CD Jewel Case, 4.75“ x 4.75“ Cut on outer black lines, fold along center line and tuck into front of Jewel Case Ingersoll a ROBERT BURNS Ingersoll on ROBERT BURNS from the Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume 3, Lecture 2 from This is a duet by Michele Fry, reading Ingersoll's essay, and Kay Wil- | f W K liams, an authentic Scotsman, reading Burns' poetry. Robert Burns | r S ait (1759 —1796), also known familiarly as Rabbie Burns, the National EEN Bard, Bard of Ayrshire, the Ploughman Poet and various other names and epithets, is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is | j R ili | r i h E es celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have F 7 "O oS written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is in a "light tay Scots dialect" of English, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland. He also wrote in standard English, and in these writings his political or | | i P c il | | 4 civil commentary is often at its bluntest. (Summary by Michele Fry and ip Wikipedia) Genre(s): Biography & Autobiography y ol u m Ge 3 = NIA: Language: English ih dg Group: Ingersoll Lectures, Famous People L @ ct u r e 2 k ; i Read by Michele Fry and Kay Williams Book Coordinator: Michele Fry Run Time: 01:11:03 Meta Coordinator: Lynne T. Zip FileSize: 33 MB Proof Listener: vviera Catalog Date: 2021-10-10 a FREE LibriVox Audiobook Cover Design: Michele Fry Page 2. Back of CD Jewel Case. Cut along outer black lines, fold flaps to fit into sides of case. Disassemble jewel case, slide paper in. Reassemble. Ingersoll on ROBERT BURNS from the Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume 3, Lecture 2 This is a duet by Michele Fry, reading Ingersoll's essay, and Kay Williams, an authentic Scotsman, reading Burns' poetry. Robert Burns (1759 —1796), also known familiarly as Rabbie Burns, the National Bard, Bard of Ayrshire, the Ploughman Poet and various other names and epithets, is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writ- ing is ina "light Scots dialect" of English, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland. He also wrote in standard English, and in these writings his political or civil commentary is often at its bluntest. (Summary by Michele Fry and Wik- lpedia) Genre(s): Biography & Autobiography Language: English Group: Ingersoll Lectures, Famous People Read by Michele Fry and Kay Williams Book Coordinator: Michele Fry Run Time: 01:11:03 Meta Coordinator: Lynne T. Zip FileSize: 33 MB Proof Listener: vviera Catalog Date: 2021-10-10 Cover Design: Michele Fry LibriVox acoustical liberation of books in the public domain This recording and cover are in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit www.librivox.org. You may download this 3-in-1 template here SNJN LYsadOd UO TIOSHYJƏÐNI 9 HƏqOY A O o D = 0) Z G) m A e O M m e > A O U m A —_| U C A = eg) Page 3, Origami CD Case When folded, the cover art will be right side up, and these side notes won’t show. NOTE: Easy Folding Instructions for this Origami CD case, including step by step photos, can be found here. Can also access from the LV Wiki page, CD Covers. Print Page 3 on regular or 20 Ib bond paper for ease of folding. Ingersoll on ROBERT BURNS from the Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume 3, Lecture 2 This is a duet by Michele Fry, reading Ingersoll's essay, and Kay Williams, an authentic Scotsman, reading Burns' poetry. Robert Burns (1759 —1796), also known familiarly as Rabbie Burns, the National Bard, Bard of Ayrshire, the Ploughman Poet and various other names and epithets, is widely re- garded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have written in the Scots language, alt- hough much of his writing is in a "light Scots dialect" of English, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland. He also wrote in standard English, and in these writings his political or civil commentary is often at its bluntest. (Sum- mary by Michele Fry and Wikipedia) Genre(s): Biography & Autobiography Language: English Group: Ingersoll Lectures, Famous People Read by Michele Fry and Kay Williams Run Time: 01:11:03 Zip FileSize: 33 MB Catalog Date: 2021-10-10 Book Coordinator: Michele Fry Meta Coordinator: Lynne T. Proof Listener: vviera Cover Design: Michele Fry = DOdOoOIDNFY è f i. GA ri g7 . o Ld BER, eJ 4” i Ng W - ° wet, R ra TH Qe á lòdūil t | nue | | Cover image: Portrait of Robert Burns by Alexander Nasmyth, 1787 Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Cover design for Librivox by Michele Fry