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Les Misérables, Volume 3

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Les Miserables, Volume 3 By Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Translated by Isabel Florence Hapgood (1850-1928)

This is volume 3 of 5. An ex-convict breaks parole and starts a new life as a righteous man, but is pursued by a police inspector. Along the way, the ex-convict joins a revolution, adopts a daughter, and beats people up. Hooray. (Summary by smileyman457)

Total running time: 10:59:19. Read by Alina, brokenaltar, Aringguth, SilverG, Cagliostro, Bruce Pirie, Robert Keiper, May Low, Sophia Choi, Jessamy Gloor, Linda Woods, April Gonzales, Ruth Golding, Peter Eastman, Brendan Tannam, mrs.eliott, & Catharine Eastman. Dedicated Proof-Listener: Kehinde. Book Coordinator/Meta-Coordinator/Cataloging: Gesine.

This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit librivox.org.

Cover image is the frontispiece of Volume 3 published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. (1887). Copyright expired in US, Canada, EU, and all countries with author's life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by Janette Brown. This design is in the public domain.

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