''A COLLECTION OF absolutely authentic accounts by privates and non- commissioned officers .... We see a great simplicity and directness of observation and recital, so admirable that one page of such writing is worth all the folios of the war experts and correspondents, not to say romancers and publicists.'' The Athenaeum. ''THE HUMZ^ SIDE, the naked horror and simple glory of actual conflict, is what Mr. Wood's soldiers are concerned with, and the stories they tell give a clearer picture of this side of war than can be found in any other form." Pall Mall Gazette. 13 I ■» ''A VERY REAL and deeply affecting book, and the editor has done a valuable O work in collecting these poignant, odd, whimsical, terrible stories together." Westminster Gazette. ^ I — O ''NO MAN WHO boasts a heart, least of all any man of young limbs, will read these soldiers' simple stories without a quickening of the pulse. They are ^ ^ at once a great stimulus and a great memorial." Daily Telegraph. Zi Read by Lee Smalley. Total running time: 06:34:41 ^ Tbis recordiQg is iQ tbe public doipaiQ apd ipay be reproduced, distributed, or ipodified witbout peripissioi). For ipore ipforipatioQ or to voluQteer, visit fibrivox.org. Detail of Over Yopder Where the Liles Grow Music Cover Art (1918) by Norrpap Rockwell. Copyrigbt expired iQ U.S., Canada, ECl. apd all countries witb autbor*s life +70 yrs laws. Cover desigQ by Mary Kay. Tbis desigQ is \x) tbe public doipaiQ.