LOVE FORLOVE William Congreve

William Congreve

A | 1BRI1YOX FULLCAST RECORDING es +, ves = Sos roe j A eS = 4


“We have such a gallery, if not of great characters, at any rate of

strongly-marked acting parts, as could not but ensure the success of

the play... The plot was clear and simple, the action coherent and continuous, there is nothing to surprise us in the instantaneous triumph of Love for Love." - Summary by William Archer, editor, 1912

Read by Tommy Hersant; Alan Mapstone; Greg Giordano; Son of the Exiles; MichaelMaggs; Wayne Cooke; Andrew James; WendyKatzHiller; ToddHW; Sonia; Jenn Broda; Adrian Stephens; mleigh; Kathi M. Walsheck; Tomas Peter; Kelly S. Taylo . Total running time: 03:59:23

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Cover picture by Annise. Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and

all countries with author’s life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by Annise.

This design is in the public domain.

LOVE FOR LOVE William Congreve