o God Goes to Murderer's Row g 0) (0 O This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit librivox.org. ^ By Rev. M. Raymond, O.C.S.O. . The Hound of Heaven stalks the death house in pursuit of the soul of ^ o a modern Dismas in this true story of a doomed criminal who found o ^ God in the solitude of a prison. The author, Father Raymond, was a Trappist monk from Gethsemani, Kentucky. He was a well known author of such books g as "The Man Who Got Even With God", "The Family That Overtook g o Christ", and many others. (Summary from the dust jacket and Maria ^ Therese) w 0) _g Read by IVIaria Therese. Total Running Time: 07:29:57 ^ O Cover picture from the original jacket. O O Cover design by Maria Therese ^ O