The Master oft a LibriVox recordin 7 read by Tony Oliua 0 < o 0 D O The Mystery of the Downs Arthur J. Rees (1872 - 1942) and John R. Watson "The storm had descended swiftly, sweeping in suddenly from the sea, driving across the downs to the hills at high speed, blotting out the faint rays of a crescent moon and hiding the country-side beneath a pall of blackness, which was forked at intervals by flashes of lightning. The darkness was so impenetrable, and the fury of the storm so fierce, that Harry Marsland pulled his hat well over his eyes and bent over his horse's neck to shield his face from the driving rain < 0 o 0 D O 3 ft) (/> o 3 > 73 0 0 (/> When Marsland seeks shelter at a lonely farmhouse a mystery begins which only Private Detective Crewe can solve. Running time 08:52:37 Read by Tony Oliva Cover design by Kathryn Delaney LibriVox Accoustical liberation of books in the public domain This recording and CD cover are in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information, or to volunteer, visit ft) (/) o 3 > 7* 0 0 (/)