NICHOLAS NICKLEBY Charles Dickens LigrIVox | Hh} i TT | alae è By So | — oe Zi li SE yee atone. iat “= tHe Lire AND ADVENTURES OF NicHoLas NIcKLepy The Life and Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens (1812-70) The action takes place in London, with excursions to Devon, Yorkshire, and Portsmouth, as we follow the adventures of the eponymous hero. Nicholas is forced to unwelcome employment to help secure support for his widowed mother and his sister from their mercenary relative Ralph, on whose mercy they have been thrown. After many adventures Nicholas finally triumphs over his Uncle, although his success is also tinged with sadness. The book contains many memorable characters: the Yorkshire schoolmaster Wackford Squeers, the traveling thespian Vincent Crummles, the poor drudge Smike, the clerk Newman Noggs, and the wonderful and generous Brothers Cheeryble. Total running time: 33:59:27 LibriVox . À : Cover design by Kathryn Delaney acoustical liberation of books Original illustration by Phiz, (1838) in the public domain sueyoig sayieyuyd AGsa TAOIN SV IOHOIN