No Name by Wilkie Collins

No- Name by Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)

Total running time: 29:39:38

Wilkie Collins was born in London, and 1s one of the greatest writers of the Victorian era. His main novels (termed sensation novels) include the Moonstone, the Woman in White and Armadale.

No Name was first published in 1862. The story begins in 1846, at Combe-Raven in West Somersetshire, the country residence of the Vanstone family. When Mr and Mrs Vanstone suddenly pass away, it is revealed that they were not married at the time of their daughters’ births, making their daughters "Nobody's Children" in the eyes of English law and robbing them of

their inheritance. Andrew Vanstone's elder brother Michael gleefully takes possession of his brother's fortune, leaving his nieces to make their own way in the world. Norah, the elder sister, accepts her misfortune gracefully, but the headstrong Magdalen is determined to have her revenge.