pULLCAST RECORDING Qum C o o Q (/) 0) (0 O U) c (0 o (0 E (0 (/) o > When orphaned Oliver Twist asks for more food, the workhouse board are horrified and immediateiy pack him off to work for an undertaker, who treats him badiy. Oiiver runs away and finds himseif in the streets of London, where he meets the Artfui Dodger and is iured into a gang of young pickpockets, ied by the evii Fagin. Even amidst his horribie surroundings, Oiiver escapes and finds his way into a ioving home. But Fagin's gang are determined to steai him back to their iife of crime, coming cioser and cioser. . . Dickens' ciassic taie of an orphan boy who has adventures with pickpockets and thieves, is here brought to iife in a dramatised reading with a fuii cast! Scheming Fagin, cruei Biii Sykes and innocent Oiiver teii their stories in their own voices, as dramaticaiiy as Dickens intended. Oiiver Twist has been made into severai movies and a musicai, as the themes of sociai justice and the triumph of goodness over evii are perenniaiiy appeaiing. Read by Librivox voiunteers. Totai running time: 15:39:18 O <■ (D H 0) O 0) 3 0) o' 7 ) (D D) Q. 5' CO This recording is in the pubiic domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to voiunteer, visit iibrivox.org. Cover picture scuipture of Oiiver at the Worid Fair Chicago. Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and aii countries with author’s iife +70 yrs iaws. Cover design by Annise This design is in the pubiic domain. O 3 " 0 ) T (D O