0 .C CO 0 0 m The Open Library By Brewster Kahle (b. 1 960) Text of the speech given by Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive, at the launch of the Open Library in October 2005. LibriVox was invited to the launch, and produced audio recordings for "An International Episode," and "Old Christmas," two of the first books scanned into the Open Library collection. (Summary by Hugh) Read by Kristen, Kara, Brad, Gord, Sureka, Eddie, Alex, Hugh, Chris, and Sally. Total running time: 00:17:27. 0 o "D 0 D U -s 0 3 0 A C 0 o. O 0 .C \- Cover picture by Lin Kristensen (2007) (http://commons.wikimedia.org/ wiki/File:Old_book_-_Timeless_Books.jpg). Author picture by Joi /to (2009) (http://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/File:Brewster_Kahle_2009.jpg). Cover design by Janette Brown. This design is in the public domain. DO 0 $ (/) 0 0 ZT 0