THE PRIEST AND HIS DISCIPLES TRANSLATED BY GLENN W. SHAW UU) CJU] t read for LibriVox by Expatriate (0 (0 L. 3 lO N 3 (0 CO (/) o o (/) Q (/) At the age of twenty-six (at the height of the Great War in Europe), the religious pilgrim and maverick Kurata Hyakuzo wrote a profoundly philosophical play called "The Priest & His Disciples" ("Shukke to sono deshi"). This stage play is based on the life and teachings of the 13th century Buddhist priest Shinran (1173-1263) and quickly became immensely popular. Shinran, the historical founder of the True Pure Land School of Buddhism (Jodo Shinshu), encounters the poor family of Hino Saemon and his wife Okane, and converses with them about how to live in circumstances of change and turmoil and hardship. Most of the ideas represented as Shinran's are really Kurata's own philosophies, an amalgam of Eastern and Western ideas adapted by his own eclectic and iconoclastic spirit to the tumultuous times of early twentieth-century Japan. ( Expatriate) Read by expatriate. Total running time: 5:44:12 CD "0 o D) 3 Q. 3 " W D w o CD O) 3 " 0) $ "O £ O 0. O This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit Cover picture based on book cover. Copyright expired in U.S., . Cover design by Annise. This design is in the public domain. D) £ N O* £ 0 ) i-h o