CD The Roots of the Mountains was the second in a projected series of three historical novels set in a pre-medieval Germanic world (the third was not n completed). It follows the themes of House of the Wolfings, which was a* o o published in the same year, into a later generation. A loose alliance of Dalesmen, Woodlanders and Shepherds who have lived in peace around the o A £ ** valley of Burgdale for so long that they barely remember war, find their vy «-+ CD peace disturbed by the Sons of the Wolf and the invading Dusky Men. O i Morris’s exploration of the social and economic organization of this fictional r-f pre-medieval world reflects his socialism; the figure of the Dusky Men (unable to breed with the Germanic tribes and slaughtered without compassion) reflects the racial politics of his times. Long neglected, o n Morris’s two Germanic novels were rediscovered when they were published £ as the sixteenth and nineteenth volumes in the celebrated Newcastle o o o rs Forgotten Fantasy Library. - Summary by Phil Benson 3 Read by Phil Benson. Total running time: 15:05:50 w— 4-> t4— o a ^ V CD This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, S' o o or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit 3 c£ o Cover picture by William Morris. Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and o 3 u all countries with author’s life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by Anne. This S' design is in the public domain.