a\ xfi LibriVox Short Poetry Collection 179 © 1 . Alms by Edna St. Vincent Millay, read by Winston Tharp 2. The Altar by Edgar Lee Masters, read by Larry Wilson 3. An April Song by George C. Michael, read by Tomas Peter 4. Atavism by Gale Young Rice, read by AnnaLisa Bodtker 5. Autumn by Grant H. Cole, read by VfkaBT 6. The Band of Gideon by Joseph S. Cotter, Jr., read by Nemo 7. The Burial of an Infant by Henry Vaughan, read by Craig Campbell 8. Cassandra by Charles Mackay, read by Newgatenovelist 9. The Childrens Crusade by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, read by April6090 10. The Crocuses by Frances E. W. Harper, read by Michele Fry 1 1 . The Dead by Rupert Brooke, read by Helen Z. Ferrara 12. The Enkindled Spring by D. H. Lawrence, read by Phil Schempf 13. The Exposed Nest by Robert Frost, read by Winston Tharp 14. The Fairy Ball by Rose Fyleman, read by Sonia 15. Faith by Henry Vaughan, read by Craig Campbell 16. A Flower from Sorrow's Grave by E. Peake, read by Sonia 17. Intermezzo by Wallace Gould, read by VfkaBT 18. La vie cerebrale by Robin Flower, read by Tomas Peter 19. The Little Home Paper by Charles Hanson Towne, read by Colleen McMahon 20. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot, read by John W. Michaels 21. Man by Ronald Ross, read by Bruce Kachuk 22. Moloch by Joseph S. Cotter, Jr., read by Nemo 23. The night has a Thousand Eyes by Francis William Bourdillon, read by brianna 24. Northern Seas by Mary Howitt, read by VfkaBT 25. Ode on the Spring by Thomas Gray, read by Phil Schempf 26. On the Monument of the Hon. Robert Digby, and of his Sister Mary, erected by their Father the Lord Digby in the church of Sherborne in Dorsetshire, 1727 by Alexander Pope, read by Sonia 27. The Poet and the Political Economist by Charles Mackay, read by Newgatenovelist 28. The Poppy by Francis Thompson, read by Scott Solum 29. Quickness by Henry Vaughan, read by Craig Campbell 30. Runner McGee by Edgar A. Guest, read by Colleen McMahon 31 . Sinfonia Eroica by Amy Levy, read by Tomas Peter 32. Sonnet XCII by Anna Seward, read by Winston Tharp 33. Spring, the sweet spring by Thomas Nashe, read by Phil Schempf 34. Sunday Baseball by William F. Kirk, read by Larry Wilson 35. Then I Would Love You by Joseph S. Cotter, Jr., read by Nemo 36. The Three Angels by Ronald Ross, read by Bruce Kachuk 37. The West Wind by John Masefield, read by Larry Wilson 38. Wraths by Ronald Ross, read by Bruce Kachuk 39. The Young Men's Petition to Their Employers by Charles Mackay, read by Newgatenovelist Xfl cr o © © n ©^ n p^ ©’ © <1 'sO