I 8 Beast With Fingers BY W. R Harvey ID ID ^5 A well off English bachelor receives a legacy from his uncle. This includes the uncle's very large library and a box containing something that used to belong to his uncle. The box has air holes in it. It is not a rat or other small mammal for his collection, but it is something still alive; something very malevolent and something very evil . Read by Phil Chenevert Total running time: 01:08:46 Tbis recordiQg is Iq tbe public donjaii) aQd n)ay be reproduced, distributed, or n}odified witbout pernjissioQ. For n)ore iQfornjatioQ or to voiuQteer, visit librivox.org. Detail of Haijds (1910) by E§oij Sch'iele. Copyrigbt expired ii) U.S., Caijada, EU. aQd all couQtries witb autbor's life +70 yrs laws. Cover desigQ by Mary Kay. Tbis desigQ is ii) tbe public donjaiQ. 3- CO U1