They Who Knock at Our Gates: A Complete Gospel of Immigration Mary Ant in They Who Knock at Our Gates: A Complete Gospel of Immigration Mary Antin c H c In this extended essay, Mary Antin asks us to consider three questions: 3" CD < < First: A question of principle: Have we any right to regulate immigration? CO Second: A question of fact: What is the nature of our present immigration? O Third: A question of interpretation: Is immigration good for us? 7s 3 £ * This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified 1 O r* without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit 0) £ Cover image from Saturday Evening Post, 1903-08-08. Artist: Edward Penfield. Copyright > expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and all countries with author’s life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by > CD .C TriciaG. This design is in the public domain. 3 H 5'