A LibriVox Free Audiobook O '55 > "O (0 > CQ (0 O c o o r o Your best friend has been murdered, stabbed in the back, and the poiice haven't been abie to soive the case. You have consuited with the best detective in the area. You have asked friends and neighbors about the crime. You have even offered a very generous reward, without resuit. How far wouid you go for to soive the murder of the chap who saved your iife? Wouid you iock yourseif in a dark room with your friends for a seance whiie sitting in the thirteenth chair knowing that one of them is probabiy the murderer? - (Summary by David O) Cast: Aiicia Crosby: Bev J Stevens Roscoe Crosby: Mike Harris Wiiiiam Crosby: K. Adrian Stroet Inspector Donohue: ToddHW Dooian: David Purdy Sergeant Dunn: Avaiiie Mary Eastwood: SamW Eiizabeth Erskine: Lydia Rosaiie La Grange: Kristin Gieriow Phiiip Mason: John Buriinson Heien O'Neiii: Beth Thomas Poiiock: Diiion McFariane Grace Standish: Sonia Howard Standish: Aiqy Pug Braddish Trent: Chariotte Duckett Heien Trent: Amy Gramour Edward Waies: David Oison Narrated by: Jennifer Fournier Totai running time: 2:01:42 (D (D (D 3 o 3 " D) w 0 ) D) Q. < O (D This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit librivox.org. Cover picture based on PD film poster. Copyright expired in U.S. Cover design by Annise. This design is in the public domain.