> Se] “Ses “2 ey i S p Vagabondaggio By Giovanni Verga (1840-1922) A witty collection of 12 short stories based on the Verga idea of “Humankind perennial moving state.” They have been published in 1887. (Summary by Daniele) Total running time: 04:29:31. This recording is in Italian. i Verga iovanni puoqese/ G oisse SCS 01 — Vagabondaggio — 00:50:40 - Read by Daniele 02 — || maestro dei ragazzi — 00:42:36 - Read by Riccardo Fasol 03 — Un processo — 00:14:13 - Read by Daniele 04 — La festa dei morti — 00:11:35 - Read by Riccardo Fasol 05 — Artisti da strapazzo — 00:49:16 - Read by Riccardo Fasol 06 — Il segno d’amore — 00:13:21 - Read by manuvox 07 — Agonia di un villaggio — 00:05:26 - Read by Marco Catanossi 08 — ...E chi vive si da pace — 00:17:55 - Read by piccolamimi 09 — II bell’ Armando — 00:13:53 - Read by Daniele 10 — Nanni Volpe — 00:17:16 - Read by Daniele 11 — Quelli del colera — 00:23:48 - Read by Luigina 12 — Lacrymae Rerum — 00:09:32 - Read by Simosito ¢ SCS 2 + +? L2 SCS hS SCS b SCS hS SCS b SCS hS SCS hS + $? L2 SZS hS + ? L2 In addition to the readers, this audio book was produced by Book Coordinator: Daniele; Dedicated Proof-Listener: Leni; Meta-Coordinator/Cataloging: Rainer. This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit librivox.org. Cover picture by William Morris (1885). Copyright expired in US, Canada, EU, and all countries with author’s life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by Janette Brown. This design is in the public domain. Vagabondaggio e313) IUUCAOID