Page 1 , Origami CD Case White Sfand^: d Memed ' Stmy. (A companion book to Black Beauty) Velma Caldwell MELVILLE This book is written from the horse's point of view, much as Black Beauty was, filling in more background as seen by the horse. The title is actually White Dandy or Master and I: A Horse's Story. What do horses talk about among themselves? Do they have personalities, some dour and unhappy, others buoyant and upbeat just as we humans do? Do horses anticipate good times and fear bad owners? Do they love? Here’s a delightful glimpse into a horse's life and thoughts. ~ Summary by Phil Chenevert Genre(s): Animals & Nature Language: English Read by Librivox Volunteers: Kara Shallenberg, Arie, Beth Joy, Steve Kleiser, Lynne Thompson, KHand, mbaracker, Astat 234, Michele Fry, SkylarkO?, Prache Pendse NOTE: Easy Folding Instructions for this Origami CD case, including step by step photos, can be found here . Can also access from the LV Wiki page, CD Covers. Book Coordinator: Phil Chenevert Catalog Date: 2015-09-16 Meta Coordinator: Phil Chenevert Run Time: 04:06:35 Proof Listener: SamR Zip File Size: 115 MB Cover by: Michele Fry Cover image from: THE SUNNYSIDE SERIES. No. 102. July, 1898 Cover design for Librivox by Michele Fry Wfiite S)and^: (Z Me^ed ' Stmif (A companion book to Black Beauty) Velma Caldwell MELVILLE This book is written from the horse's point of view, much as Black Beauty was, filling in more background as seen by the horse. The title is actually White Dandy or Master and /; A Horse's Story. What do horses talk about among themselves? Do they have personalities, some dour and unhappy, others buoyant and upbeat just as we humans do? Do horses anticipate good times and fear bad owners? Do they love? Here’s a delightful glimpse into a horse's life and thoughts. ~ Summary by Phil Chenevert Genre(s): Animals & Nature Language: English Read by Librivox Volunteers: Kara Shallenberg, Arie, Beth Joy, Steve Kleiser, Lynne Thompson, KHand, mbaracker, Asta1234, Michele Fry, SkylarkO?, Prache Pendse Book Coordinator: Phil Chenevert Meta Coordinator; Phil Chenevert Proof Listener: SamR Cover by: Michele Fry This recording and cover are in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit Catalog Date: 2015-09-16 Run Time: 04:06:35 Zip File Size: 115 MB LibriVox acoustical liberation of books in the public domain Page 3, Single CD Jewel Case, Back Flap 0) > 0) Wfiite S)and^: d MmdCd ’ Stmif Velma Caldwell MELVILLE (U 2 (0 O (0 E o (/) (0 0) o This book is written from the horse's point of view, much as Black Beauty was, filling in more background as seen by the horse. The title is actually White Dandy or Master and I: A Horse's Story. What do horses talk about among themselves? Do they have personalities, some dour and unhappy, others buoyant and upbeat just as we humans do? Do horses anticipate good times and fear bad owners? Do they love? Here’s a delightful glimpse into a horse's life and thoughts. Summary by Phil Chenevert Genre(s): Animals & Nature Language: English Read by Librivox Volunteers: Kara Shallenberg, Arie, Beth Joy, Steve Kleiser, Lynne Thompson, KHand, mbaracker, Asta1234, Michele Fry, Skylark07, Prache Pendse < "D C (0 Q 0) Z Book Coordinator: Phil Chenevert Catalog Date: 2015-09-16 Meta Coordinator: Phil Chenevert Run Time: 04:06:35 Proof Listener: SamR Zip File Size: 115 MB Cover by: Michele Fry This recording and cover are in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit www.librivox.ors. LibriVox acoustical liberation of books In the public domain 3; (D D fi) 3 Q. > (/> (D U) 0) 0 o- 1 3 fi) O Q. t (D 2 . <. (D EASY FOLDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORIGAMI CD CASE Print Page 1 . Follow this link: FOLDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SINGLE CD JEWEL CASE INSERTS 1 . Print Page 2, Cut along outer black lines, fold Cover Art over the back side of Text area. Slip into front of jewel case, Cover Art up. 2. Print Page 3 if planning to insert into back of jewel case, cut along outer black lines, fold flaps to fit into sides of case. Disassemble jewel case, slide paper in. Reassemble.