3-in-1 CD CASE INSERTS (1. FRONT, 2. BACK) and 3. ORIGAMI PAPER CASE, with folding instructions.

Page 1. Front cover for CD Jewel Case, 4.75“ x 4.75“

Cut on outer black lines, fold along center line and tuck into front of Jewel Case

a free LibriVox audfobook

Yellowstone Expedition of 1870

Gustavus Cheyney Doane (1840 - 1892)

Lt. Gustavus Doane was a member of the 1870 Yellowstone Ex- pedition led by Henry Washburn. Washburn requested military support from General Hancock of the US Army who selected Doane to lead a detail of five soldiers from Fort Ellis in Montana

3 to accompany the expedition. This is Doane's journal submitted

by the War Department to the US Senate reporting on the obser- vations of the expedition. The record kept by Doane is recognized as a significant contribution to the subsequent creation of Yellow-

| stone National Park. - Summary by Fritz

Genre(s): Modern (19th C)

| Language: English

| Read by Phil Schempf

Book Coordinator: Phil Schempf Run Time: 02:53:02

Meta Coordinator: DaveC Zip FileSize: 81 MB Proof Listener: Mark Chulsky Catalog Date: 2021-12-25 Cover Design: Michele Fry

Page 2. Back of CD Jewel Case. Cut along outer black lines, fold flaps to fit into sides of case. Disassemble jewel case, slide paper in. Reassemble.

Yellowstone Expedition of 1870

Gustavus Cheyney Doane (1840 - 1892)

Lt. Gustavus Doane was a member of the 1870 Yellowstone Expedition led by Henry Washburn. Washburn requested military support from General Hancock of the US Army who selected Doane to lead a detail of five soldiers from Fort Ellis in Montana to accompany the expedition. This is Doane's journal submitted by the War Department to the US Senate reporting on the observations of the expedition. The record kept by Doane is recognized as a significant contribution to the subsequent creation of Yellowstone National Park. - Summary by Fritz

Genre(s): Modern (19th C) Language: English

Read by Phil Schempf

Book Coordinator: Phil Schempf Run Time: 02:53:02

Meta Coordinator: DaveC Zip FileSize: 81 MB Proof Listener: Mark Chulsky Catalog Date: 2021-12-25 Cover Design: Michele Fry

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acoustical liberation of bDooks in the public domain

This recording and cover are in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit www.librivox.org.

You may download this 3-in-1 template here

Yellowstone Expedition of 1870

Page 3, Gustavus Cheyney Doane (1840 - 1892) Origami Lt. Gustavus Doane was a member of the 1870 Yellowstone Expedi- CD Case tion led by Henry Washburn. Washburn requested military support from General Hancock of the US Army who selected Doane to lead When folded, a detail of five soldiers from Fort Ellis in Montana to accompany the the cover art expedition. This is Doane's journal submitted by the War Depart- will be right ment to the US Senate reporting on the observations of the expedi- side up, and tion. The record kept by Doane is recognized as a significant contri- bution to the subsequent creation of Yellowstone National Park. - these side notes want Summary by Fritz show. Genre(s): Modern (19th C) Language: English Read by Phil Schempf Book Coordinator: Phil Schempf Run Time: 02:53:02 Meta Coordinator: DaveC Zip FileSize: 81 MB Proof Listener: Mark Chulsky Catalog Date: 2021-12-25 Cover Design: Michele Fry O ARLARIPNE XOAIIQI BO) e Easy Folding Ega ea LE: r3 K TET Instructions for x oe tn =< 3 AL cl q a JES this Origami CD ea. Ne case, including PaO $62 i> step by step

photos, can be found here. Can also access from the LV Wiki page, CD Covers.

Print Page 3 on regular or 20 Ib bond paper for ease of folding.


Cover image: Yellowstone River at sunset, whitewater. Cover design for Librivox by Michele Fry

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